This Vehicle Reg Number was not found

Please enter Reg Number again:

Oops! We couldn't find records for the registration number you entered. Please try again. But this time:

  • Check if the correct registration number was entered
  • Check if you used the correct format. Your plate number should look like this on the form: AB12CDE (2 letters, 2 numbers, and then 3 letters)
  • Try not to enter spaces. For example: Enter “AB12CDE” and not “AB12 CDE”
  • Check if you entered a letter “O” instead of a number “0” and vice versa
  • Check if you entered a letter “I” instead of a number “1” and vice versa
  • Verify if the car is undergoing a date/plate transfer
  • Confirm if the registration number is not fake
If you’re still having trouble getting your registration number checked, please contact via any one of our channels.